


* Cheking the argument is the Linked Element or not.
function isLinkedElement( node ) {
<div class=”wiki_entry”> // IE: If the node doesn’t have a title attribute, getAttribute doesn’t return null. So it requrired check if it’s empty string.</div 2010-03-08 02:49:50
it’s empty string.</div>
if ( node.getAttribute( ‘TITLE’ ) != null &amp;&amp; node.getAttribute( ‘TITLE’ ).length &gt; 0 ) {
return true
} else {
return false;

* Check the argument node is an enclosure or not
function isEnclosure( node ) {
<div class=”wiki_entry”><span 2010-03-08 02:49:50
if ( node == null || node.nodeType != 1 )
return false;
var tagName = node.tagName;
var className = getClassAttributeFromNode( node );
if ( ( tagName == ‘TBODY’ ) || ( tagName == ‘UL’ ) || ( tagName == ‘OL’ )
|| ( tagName == ‘SELECT’ ) || ( tagName == ‘DIV’ &amp;&amp; className == ‘_im_repeater’ ))
return true;
return false;

* Check the argument node is an repeater or not
function isRepeater( node ) {
if ( node.nodeType != 1 )
return false;
var tagName = node.tagName;
var className = getClassAttributeFromNode( node );
if ( ( tagName == ‘TR’ ) || ( tagName == ‘LI’ ) || ( tagName == ‘OPTION’ )
|| ( tagName == ‘DIV’ &amp;&amp ( tagName == ‘DIV’ &amp;&amp; className == ‘_im_enclosure’ ))
return true;
return false;

* Get the repeater tag from the enclosure tag.
function repeaterTagFromEncTag( tag ) {
if ( tag == ‘TBODY’ ) return ‘TR’;
else if ( tag == ‘SELECT’ ) return ‘OPTION’;
else if ( tag == ‘UL’ ) return ‘LI’;
else if ( tag == ‘OL’ ) return ‘LI’;
else if ( tag == ‘DIV’ ) return ‘DIV’;
return null;

* Detect the enclosure of the argument node.
function getEnclosure( node ) {
<div class=”wiki_entry”><span class=”Apple-tab-span”> </span 2010-03-08 02:49:50
class=”Apple-tab-span”> </span>var detectedRepeater = null;</div>
var currentNode = node;
while ( currentNode != null ) {
if ( isRepeater( currentNode ) ) {
detectedRepeater = currentNode;
} else if ( isRepeaterOfEnclosure( detectedRepeater, currentNode ) ) {
return currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
return null;

* Check the pair of nodes in argument is valid for repater/enclosure.
function isRepeaterOfEnclosure( repeater, enclosure ) {
if ( repeater == null || enclosure == null )
return false;
var repeaterTag = repeater.tagName;
var enclosureTag = enclosure.tagName;
if ( ( repeaterTag == ‘TR’ &amp;&amp; enclosureTag == ‘TBODY’ )
|| ( repeaterTag == ‘OPTION’ &amp;&amp; enclosureTag == ‘SELECT’ )
|| ( repeaterTag == ‘LI’ &amp;&amp; enclosureTag == ‘OL’ )
|| ( repeaterTag == ‘LI’ &amp;&amp; enclosureTag == ‘UL’ ))
return true;
else if ( repeaterTag == ‘DIV’ &amp;&amp; enclosureTag == ‘DIV’ ){</div>
var repeaterClass = getClassAttributeFromNode( repeater );
var enclosureClass = getClassAttributeFromNode( repeater );
if ( repeaterClass != null &amp;&amp; enclosureClass != null
&amp;&amp; repeaterClass.indexOf(‘_im_repeater’)&gt;=0
&amp;&amp; enclosureClass.indexOf(‘_im_enclosure’)&gt;=0 ) {
return true;
return false;

function setClassAttributeToNode( node, className ) {
if (node == null) return ;
if ( ! navigator.appName.match(/Explorer/)) {
node.setAttribute( ‘class’, className );
} else {
node.setAttribute( ‘className’, className );

function getClassAttributeFromNode( node ) {
if (node == null) return ”;
var str = ”;
if ( ! navigator.appName.match(/Explorer/)) {
str = node.getAttribute( ‘class’ );
} else {
str = node.getAttribute( ‘className’ );
return str;